Friday, July 6, 2012

Whaddup, peeps?

Hey, guys! It's Hollie! >:D So, Gwenny wanted me to do a guest post and introduce myself, since I'm "APPARENTLY" a strange doll! (Tch, as if!) So I might as well post, because come on! Who WOULDN'T want to hear about the * awesomeness* that is ME?! (Losers!)

Me, from when Willow first moved here.

Let's see... I'm fourteen amazing years old, I have red shoulder length hair and hazel eyes. Bangs are like, TOTALLY boss, so I have those, too. I like to wear anything that Sonali says "isn't fashionable", even though she's one of my close friends. (She's not NEARLY awesome enough to be my bestie!)

I'm way too interesting to just type a crapton of paragraphs, so I'll start using a list now.

  • I despise favourite colours. I don't have one. (Gwenny says mine's purple, but THAT'S A LIE!!! D:<)
  • I have one little sister; Gwen. Yeah, we don't really look alike, but whoever points that out GETS THE FIST!
  • My favourite band is Farewell, but I also like a few Fallout Boy songs. I'm not really that picky with music, but I hate country, pop, rap, and Hip Hop.
  • If we ever had an election for the "most violent doll in our community", there is no doubt that I'd win! >:D
  • I have a gun hanging above my bed. ;)
  • I REALLY like weapons. They're like the family that I always wanted.
  • In our community, everyone says I'm too loud, pushy, and crazy, but I think that they're just jealous 'cuz they're all boring. *maniacal laugh*
  • I really like sports. I run track, play hockey, do gymnastics, and play lacrosse right now. I wish I could play rugby, but there aren't any teams nearby I could join... I used to play softball when I was younger, but it all got too expensive.
  • Going along with my awesomely active lifestyle, I also lift weights and use exercise machines whenever possible. I can even do some bench presses! *is feeling like a boss*
  • Coffee and sugar are my fuel. ;3
  • I SOOO love parties! But, whenever we have parties here, I always eat a lot of sugar and end up getting kicked out for acting too awesome. *eye roll* They just can't handle the AWESOMENESS!!!
  • I AM awesome. Anyone who says otherwise... Well, you know. >;D
Yeah, I know, you probably want to hear even MORE of what I do, but I figured I'll leave you guys hangin'.

AWESOMENESS, OUT! *holds sword for cool pose*


(Miranda's note: I'm sorry if Hollie offended anyone in this post! She's not putting on an act, she really DOES think of herself that way, and yes, she does act like that. Just try not to let her get to you. ;) )