Monday, September 26, 2011

Long time...

Sorry! The "hectic" days of standing around doing nothing have REALLY gotten to me! *yawn* I haven't slept in TWO MONTHS, so I'm REALLY tired. :( NONE of us have really slept, because all of our rooms are all screwed up, and Kylie STILL needs to get a bed(she'll probably have to share with Chrissa. :( I feel bad for her.) so we're all kind of out of whack.
And, because I have been sleep deprived, I'm NOW a coffee junkie. d: It's like this espresso stuff, and it's SOOO good, but that's probably because I'm so used to it by now. ;)
Lily and I haven't been really hanging out lately. :( I REALLY miss going shopping with her. I SHOULD go shopping with her, BUT THERE'S NOTHING NEW TO BUY!!! ... Stupid lack of doll clothes... But, I AM excited, because M's going to make some skinny jeans for us, so NEW CLOTHES!!! :D Of course, they're for little miss PLEASANT COMPANY over there... >:( I don't like Kylie. She's been ALL that everyone talks about, and I HATE it! Sure, I admit, it's better than everyone talking about Willow, but I HAVE to agree with Willow on the new doll thing. "Why can't we just welcome them coldly and get it over with?!" Of course, I would be NICE to the new doll, but still, she's got a point there...
So... What have YOU been up to?

Yo waddup peeps ;)

BAD grammar aside, I have some NEWS for you! :D Okay, it's NOT really new anymore, but we have a TOTALLY ninja doll in the house now! And, she's SUPER nice. :) It's Kylie, if you haven't figured that out. And, BECAUSE Hollie's BFF is supposed to be here by the end of the year, Miranda was considering making ANOTHER custom doll to be Kylie's BFF! Hollie and Kylie are kind of "buddying up," and since M's a REAL stickler for this kind of stuff, Hollie will soon have Jesse, and Kylie will(in theory) have Cailin; eventually.
So, since I have NOTHING else to blab about, I'm just going to tell you what Cailin will look like.
So, as of right now, she WILL have brown eyes, and either long green hair with bangs or shory purple-y red-ish hair with bangs. She's going to be REALLY bubbly and happy. Like Hollie, but THIS time in a happy way, not in the, "I'M A SQUIRREL! WHEE!!!" way. XD

Friday, September 16, 2011

YAY. :)

You probably know by now that we HAVE Kylie! :D Now, the only reason why I'm HAPPY is because she's actually REALLY nice. :) Other than the fact that she's the only one of us dolls who has been trained in the art of fighting(and, I'm POSITIVE this says trouble will happen between her and Hollie), she's REALLY nice!
And, for those of you people who take this blog seriously, Miranda HAS re-wigged her, tightened her limb strings, and re-did her face makeup. The ONLY thing left before the final picture is the lip-paint. We don't have a small enough paintbrush, so we might just forget about that until we get a proper sized brush. :(
So, NOW we have TWELVE dolls!!! :D

Monday, September 12, 2011


OHMYGOSHIAMSOSCAREDRIGHTNOW!!! Miranda just ordered a doll to fix up. D: SCARED. THAT'S WHAT I AM.
Why, you may ask???
BECAUSE SHE'S TRAINED IN THE ART OF THE SWORD!!! D: I'm not really sure why she is... Maybe, it's because a certain SOMEBODY who ORDERED the doll has PROBLEMS???
I don't really know... BUT! THERE HAVE BEEN A FEW CHANGES TO HER CHARACTER!!! First of all, she's NOT going to AS emo as originally planned. (idk. I just read Miranda's diary, okay???) SECOND of all, she's like, IN LOVE with Japan and Japanese stuff.
Again, idk, I'm just reporting stuff I read, okay? But, considering now we don't "have" our Jesse fund, Hollie will have to be deranged for a few more months. And, while I'm at it, we're NOT planning on getting #55 anymore. She's just too generic now, you know? :( BUT, this means that since Jesse is REALLY close to Miranda's personality, she decided that JESSE will be the "mini-doll-owner" in the family. ;) I'm actually looking forward to her. :D I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER DAY OF HOLLIE!!! D:)
Other than that and the fact that now M's all about Japanese stuff(sense a connection... ? Miranda's mood changes, Kylie's personality changes... ?) Things are pretty normal here. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm bored.

Meh. School hasn't started for us dolls yet. I'm not really sure why... Are we awaiting somebody new? Has our teacher(*cough*Miranda*cough*) just gotten lazy?
I don't know. But it's AWESOME!!! After her fail of keeping class up last year, she KIND OF just gave up, and I'm SUPER happy she did! Considering MOST of us read during the day, we don't really "need" to go to school... I mean, we ALL live in one room(well, there's many doll rooms in one person-sized room) so we don't really have a need to socialize more than we normally do. d: ... EXCEPT for Hollie. She into this whole, "I'm cooler than you because I just am" kind of thing, where she keeps everybody at a distance because NOW she's a "loner".
I think it's stupid, but Sonali looks up to her for whatever reason. D:
... Oh, and since i'm just blogging about whatever pops into my head, Kylie's going to be all ninja. Don't ask what that means, or how I know this. (I just "HAPPEN" to know where Miranda's diary is. ;) )
Oh, and is there anything you would like us to do with our YouTube?
Would you like us to ACTUALLY post videos instead of just giving up on ideas after about a week?(of course, you probably DO think we should post videos...) Do you have any ideas for a series you would like to watch?
Please, just give us/me your opinions. About ANYTHING. It could be about us dolls, YouTube, why M. never does anything...
That's all.
If you just read all that, GOOD FOR YOU! ;)

Friday, September 9, 2011

I like brownies. DO YOU?!?!!??!

I KNOW I DO!!! XD Sorry about the RANDOM title, but what ELSE would I put?!?
So, that aside, we've been...
Filming our YT series, and it doesn't suck NEARLY as bad as I thought it would! Maybe I only think that because I get the lead role...
Well, since I've already told you all we've REALLY been doing, why don't I give you the names of the major characters?
Me: Lauren.
Lanie: Amanda(Lauren's BFF)
Lily: Natalie(another good friend)
Kanani: Mikayla(the fourth friend)
Kirsten: my mom.
Hollie: plays herself(surprise surprise...)
Yes, I AM aware I left a few dolls out, but their characters are surprises. ;)
It's a good concept, in MY opinion(I'm biased, though.) and I'm not TOO sure about the camera-ness... It's kind of awkward, you know. WE can't move, and since Miranda doesn't have a tripod, she has to set the camera on some AG boxes, thus we can't angle it. :( Besides, It's KIND OF weird not knowing what you just filmed for the last two minutes, and not knowing if your hands were in the video or not. :(
But, I'm SURE someone will watch it! :D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dang it!

I've noticed that it got a LOTTT colder today! When I went outside to take some pictures, I ACTUALLY had to wear a sweater! D: IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!

Yeah, right. But, as I couldn't find anything interesting to take photos of, I went back inside.

Now, mind you, this was at six thirty in the morning, and it takes QUITE a while for an eighteen inch doll to wander around half an acre of yard(yeah, it doesn't seem that big to people...) so it was sevn by the time I got back inside.

And do you know who was there?

... Miranda. Now, she SHOULD have been on her way to school by then, but "apparently", she was sick today. :( It WAS kind of nice, though. It wasn't NEARLY as boring as it usually is, considering all I hear during the school week is Hollie complaining about how, "My best friend PROMISED she'd be here by spring, but Miranda hasn't even THOUGHT of ordering her yet! I NEED JESSE!!!" Now, I AGREE with Hollie, because she's a lot calmer when Jesse's here, considering Jesse tones Hollie down. (somehow...) But, hearing her complain EVERY DAY!?!?!?

It drives me INSANE!!! And, I USUALLY have a high tollerance of this stuff, but she just goes on and ON for SEVEN HOURS!!!

... But on the bright side...

Wait. There ISN'T one!

... YES THERE IS!!! I FORGOT!!! We're not getting Kylie YET. :D I'm a happy doll. :D


... Sorry... about, that... I'm just not looking forward to having a "downer" joining our "lovely" family. :( Don't get me wrong, dolls are AWESOME, and having a custom family member?!?! ALL THE BETTER. But, I just don't like this doll's personality very much... Oh, and she was going to be a YEAR older than most of us, so we'd have a total of: Kirsten(her age changes... ?), a fourteen year old, a twelve year old(me), and nine thirteen year olds.

Wow. SOOOO diverse.

Sorry about all the ranting guys, I just loose my head sometimes...
