Monday, September 12, 2011


OHMYGOSHIAMSOSCAREDRIGHTNOW!!! Miranda just ordered a doll to fix up. D: SCARED. THAT'S WHAT I AM.
Why, you may ask???
BECAUSE SHE'S TRAINED IN THE ART OF THE SWORD!!! D: I'm not really sure why she is... Maybe, it's because a certain SOMEBODY who ORDERED the doll has PROBLEMS???
I don't really know... BUT! THERE HAVE BEEN A FEW CHANGES TO HER CHARACTER!!! First of all, she's NOT going to AS emo as originally planned. (idk. I just read Miranda's diary, okay???) SECOND of all, she's like, IN LOVE with Japan and Japanese stuff.
Again, idk, I'm just reporting stuff I read, okay? But, considering now we don't "have" our Jesse fund, Hollie will have to be deranged for a few more months. And, while I'm at it, we're NOT planning on getting #55 anymore. She's just too generic now, you know? :( BUT, this means that since Jesse is REALLY close to Miranda's personality, she decided that JESSE will be the "mini-doll-owner" in the family. ;) I'm actually looking forward to her. :D I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER DAY OF HOLLIE!!! D:)
Other than that and the fact that now M's all about Japanese stuff(sense a connection... ? Miranda's mood changes, Kylie's personality changes... ?) Things are pretty normal here. :)

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