Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The day has come. D:

Yes. Our other doll blogs(not Polka dot or Positively) are being shut down within the month. We are sorry, but six blogs has gotten to Miranda, and she feels that dolls should SHARE a blog, not have individual blogs. It's too much! What would happen if Phoebe got each of her dolls blogs? Chaos. Absolute chaos. For ANYONE, 26 blogs would inhale their social life, which NOBODY except for 45 year old creepers living in their mom's basement would want that to happen! I am sorry if I just named you. D:

~Miranda and her(smart and adorable)dolls


Caelen said...

Aw. :( Even though I didn't comment, I still visited those sites.

Phoebe said...

That's sad. I really liked Lily and Chrissa's blogs. But the thing about thwe '45 year old creeper' was very funny. Not to offend anyone.