Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Excitement is brewing amongst the whispers and giggles of us dolls. We saw a sign in our room that said there was a PROM coming up soon! :D Sonali and Chrissa absolutely FLIPPED OUT, and I(Gwen) didn't really care. In fact, I dreaded it. You see, Hollie and Felicity persuaded me to go make fun of all the "stupid" boys at the prom! I don't really know what I'm going to wear, but I know Chrissa and Sonali will probably get some dresses made by Miranda. Lily was asked by Caleb(her BF) to go, and she freaked out, too. Lily decided she'll wear one of her old dresses, so she doesn't really care about whether or not she impresses Caleb. I mean hey, we're all dolls here! There's nothing different really! We're all made of cloth, vinyl, stuffing, and plastic! Nothing special! Well... except for our personalities. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Basically, we're all prepping for Friday night. Willow's still on her cruise, and she'll miss the prom(but obviously won't care) She attempted an email about where she went(Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia, (where she met a girl our age named Pippa Goodfellow.)), but she typed it like a formal letter... I think she needs to open up a little more...

~Gwen(with maybe a perspective from the other dolls.)

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