Friday, July 22, 2011

No more pics. :(

They "migrated", and they're gone now. :( Sad, but we're going to be starring in a new photo story! Well, actually a FEW new ones, because now that there is space on Picasa, AND we have a second google account(yes, we do! :) )

So, our FIRST new one that will be started soon is a a mystery, so there will be a few parts put up at different times, much like Willow's birthday story.

Our SECOND new photostory is based in Kirtsen's times, but the wagon base is still waiting in the garage. So, yes, we ARE having Miranda's dad build a REAL wagon, except the wagon bed(the rectangle thing that carries stuff) is an old drawer, and it's PERFECT size for us! :D We need to have custom wheel cut out for the wagon, because it's H E A V Y, and it's going to carry "10 lb. sacks of food", and "barrels of gunpowder"(Hollie wants a clay gun, okay? It's not real, and not deadly.)and other needs like that. It'll be a while before we even start MAKING the story, but Miranda IS going to make this story happen, because she's trying to revive Kirsten's world.

As you can see, we are really busy, and she(Miranda) takes a photo story almost EVERY DAY, but she won't take any on the weekends. :( Hrey, it's hard to think of good photostories! ALL we need to do for our next story(the mystery) is find a tweed fabric and buy a coat pattern. Hey, it has Willow in it, and she's old fashioned, and it IS about her, so we DO need old-styled doll clothes, okay?

OH! I FOROGT TO TELL YOU! I FOUND MINI-BECCA! Miranda put her in a box so she could have her friend come over one day, and we JUST found her! :D AND, on top of THAT, we found our spritzer! :D It was under the nightstand in our dorm. He he...

Oh, and as an ending note, JESSIE is going to be our newest family member, because Miranda created her character last August, and A L M O S T ordered her in December, but got Hollie instead(something I wish she hadn't done, but every family needs a nut job, right?!) So, we're going to order her in a few months(probably in January or so, but MAYBE during the next free-shipping) You see, it's NOT just the doll, we're also going to get six outfits, for sets of shoes, and Pepper, so shipping would be thirty dollars, which is NOT good!

I almost forgot! We(Well, technically MIRANDA) might get the rest of Kanani's stuff for Christmas, but we don't know yet.

I just realized, I've opened up a LOT since I moved here! Well, bye then...


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