Monday, January 31, 2011

It just doesn't feel right.

I CAN'T believe it! Okay, so if you read Chrissa's post yesterday, you will have read that Madison made CHRISSA a part of her evil clique! ACCKK!!!! THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!! Chrissa was like, a good friend of mine! Now, Madison won't even let her TALK to me! The worst part is, we share a bunk bed, so when she sprays her perfume(Madison's standards) I smell EVERYTHING!!! I'm coughing ALL night because it stays on SO long!!! UGH!!! I HATE CHRISSA!!! WHY did she have to fall for Madison's, "No, we're ONLY going shopping for ONE new dress," Act! I MEAN, seriously! THAT'S how she got Amber, Ruby, and Sapphire to follow her around! Madison is SOO mean! She is the WORST TO EVERYONE, except for her friends!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE CHICK?!?! She has money, power, straight blond hair, TONS of clothes, and friends who are AMAZING(looking) The only bad side to this situation, is Chrissa CAN'T talk to me for SIX MONTHS! She's bound by a code she unwillingly followed(but she now embraces), and after two years, she will LIVE in Madison's manor!!! Oh my gosh, this is HORRIBLE!!!

The worst part, I haven't even said.

Chrissa has blond hair and pale green eyes. She isn't my sister anymore. I don't know her.

She's one of them now.
There's no escaping them, unless we move to Florida. But if SHE moves to Florida, THEY will follow, because they are one.

They are one. They will take her away from our family.

Chrissa now straightens her hair on a daily basis, uses colour guarding shampoo and conditioner, and she wants to grow her hair longer. She has a sudden new interest in fashion, and she smells like a flower that has too much scent all the time. It's HORRIBLE!!! Yesterday, she was my clumsy slightly older sister, who didn't care about how she looked.

Now, she's a TOTAL drama queen, who HAS to wear perfume, makeup, and have super straight blond hair TWENTY FOUR SEVEN. She ONLY wears clothes that Madison approves, and she follows them around like some deranged stalker. She...

She... She's not my sister.

I don't know her anymore.

I'll have to forget about Chrissa, or "Pearl" I guess I should say.

Do I have to join Them to talk Pearl out of it? Or if I do, will I start acting like some couture snob? Madison will be nice to me, but... I'm not cool enough to be with her group.... WAIT A FLIPPING SECOND!!! Madison ONLY chooses LOSERS to become part of her clique, and she morphs them into popular kids! So, if I wear Lily's old glasses, and if I put fake zits on my face, then maybe... ? Just maybe...

~Lanie Holland

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