Monday, September 26, 2011

Long time...

Sorry! The "hectic" days of standing around doing nothing have REALLY gotten to me! *yawn* I haven't slept in TWO MONTHS, so I'm REALLY tired. :( NONE of us have really slept, because all of our rooms are all screwed up, and Kylie STILL needs to get a bed(she'll probably have to share with Chrissa. :( I feel bad for her.) so we're all kind of out of whack.
And, because I have been sleep deprived, I'm NOW a coffee junkie. d: It's like this espresso stuff, and it's SOOO good, but that's probably because I'm so used to it by now. ;)
Lily and I haven't been really hanging out lately. :( I REALLY miss going shopping with her. I SHOULD go shopping with her, BUT THERE'S NOTHING NEW TO BUY!!! ... Stupid lack of doll clothes... But, I AM excited, because M's going to make some skinny jeans for us, so NEW CLOTHES!!! :D Of course, they're for little miss PLEASANT COMPANY over there... >:( I don't like Kylie. She's been ALL that everyone talks about, and I HATE it! Sure, I admit, it's better than everyone talking about Willow, but I HAVE to agree with Willow on the new doll thing. "Why can't we just welcome them coldly and get it over with?!" Of course, I would be NICE to the new doll, but still, she's got a point there...
So... What have YOU been up to?

1 comment:

Lilac said...

I am so sorry that you have not slept in two months.:(But look on the bright side you can hibernate this winter.:)LOL