Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dang it!

I've noticed that it got a LOTTT colder today! When I went outside to take some pictures, I ACTUALLY had to wear a sweater! D: IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!

Yeah, right. But, as I couldn't find anything interesting to take photos of, I went back inside.

Now, mind you, this was at six thirty in the morning, and it takes QUITE a while for an eighteen inch doll to wander around half an acre of yard(yeah, it doesn't seem that big to people...) so it was sevn by the time I got back inside.

And do you know who was there?

... Miranda. Now, she SHOULD have been on her way to school by then, but "apparently", she was sick today. :( It WAS kind of nice, though. It wasn't NEARLY as boring as it usually is, considering all I hear during the school week is Hollie complaining about how, "My best friend PROMISED she'd be here by spring, but Miranda hasn't even THOUGHT of ordering her yet! I NEED JESSE!!!" Now, I AGREE with Hollie, because she's a lot calmer when Jesse's here, considering Jesse tones Hollie down. (somehow...) But, hearing her complain EVERY DAY!?!?!?

It drives me INSANE!!! And, I USUALLY have a high tollerance of this stuff, but she just goes on and ON for SEVEN HOURS!!!

... But on the bright side...

Wait. There ISN'T one!

... YES THERE IS!!! I FORGOT!!! We're not getting Kylie YET. :D I'm a happy doll. :D


... Sorry... about, that... I'm just not looking forward to having a "downer" joining our "lovely" family. :( Don't get me wrong, dolls are AWESOME, and having a custom family member?!?! ALL THE BETTER. But, I just don't like this doll's personality very much... Oh, and she was going to be a YEAR older than most of us, so we'd have a total of: Kirsten(her age changes... ?), a fourteen year old, a twelve year old(me), and nine thirteen year olds.

Wow. SOOOO diverse.

Sorry about all the ranting guys, I just loose my head sometimes...


1 comment:

Sabine Aurore Bouchard said...

This is Sabine's owner. Thanks for being a faithful reader! Just replying to your comment- sorry if my post was confusing. I am American/live in the US, but I am a college student, and I normally bring Sabine and another doll with me during the year. Since I don't have my other dolls, I just pretend that she is back in Lille. I haven't been to Lille (but I've been to Paris and Nice), but I plan on visiting when I study abroad. I also plan on bringing Sabine with me, so I'll get pictures up when I go. It'll be in a year or two, though.
Anyway, thanks for commenting! Have a great evening!