Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm bored.

Meh. School hasn't started for us dolls yet. I'm not really sure why... Are we awaiting somebody new? Has our teacher(*cough*Miranda*cough*) just gotten lazy?
I don't know. But it's AWESOME!!! After her fail of keeping class up last year, she KIND OF just gave up, and I'm SUPER happy she did! Considering MOST of us read during the day, we don't really "need" to go to school... I mean, we ALL live in one room(well, there's many doll rooms in one person-sized room) so we don't really have a need to socialize more than we normally do. d: ... EXCEPT for Hollie. She into this whole, "I'm cooler than you because I just am" kind of thing, where she keeps everybody at a distance because NOW she's a "loner".
I think it's stupid, but Sonali looks up to her for whatever reason. D:
... Oh, and since i'm just blogging about whatever pops into my head, Kylie's going to be all ninja. Don't ask what that means, or how I know this. (I just "HAPPEN" to know where Miranda's diary is. ;) )
Oh, and is there anything you would like us to do with our YouTube?
Would you like us to ACTUALLY post videos instead of just giving up on ideas after about a week?(of course, you probably DO think we should post videos...) Do you have any ideas for a series you would like to watch?
Please, just give us/me your opinions. About ANYTHING. It could be about us dolls, YouTube, why M. never does anything...
That's all.
If you just read all that, GOOD FOR YOU! ;)

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