Friday, September 9, 2011

I like brownies. DO YOU?!?!!??!

I KNOW I DO!!! XD Sorry about the RANDOM title, but what ELSE would I put?!?
So, that aside, we've been...
Filming our YT series, and it doesn't suck NEARLY as bad as I thought it would! Maybe I only think that because I get the lead role...
Well, since I've already told you all we've REALLY been doing, why don't I give you the names of the major characters?
Me: Lauren.
Lanie: Amanda(Lauren's BFF)
Lily: Natalie(another good friend)
Kanani: Mikayla(the fourth friend)
Kirsten: my mom.
Hollie: plays herself(surprise surprise...)
Yes, I AM aware I left a few dolls out, but their characters are surprises. ;)
It's a good concept, in MY opinion(I'm biased, though.) and I'm not TOO sure about the camera-ness... It's kind of awkward, you know. WE can't move, and since Miranda doesn't have a tripod, she has to set the camera on some AG boxes, thus we can't angle it. :( Besides, It's KIND OF weird not knowing what you just filmed for the last two minutes, and not knowing if your hands were in the video or not. :(
But, I'm SURE someone will watch it! :D

1 comment:

American Girl Dolls Rock!! said...

omg I love brownies! haha i love random posts!!