Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pi day!

Tomorrow is Pi day! And for those of you who don't know, Pi day is ALSO Gwen's birthday! :D I wasn't thinking about Pi day in the Summer when I got Gwen, so her birthday was Pi day! :) Pi is used to find the area, and circumference of a circle, and the first 31 digits are(yes, I am a nerd for memorizing Pi!) : 3.141592653589793238462643383279 There's MILLIONS, if not TRILLIONS of digits of Pi, but hey, I have a life! So I only memorized Pi from the Pi song on YouTube(plus a number)

For those of you who are wondering, I will host Gwen's party this Saturday, and I may invite a friend who started her blog the same day i did! So... we're probably going to plant Marigolds, but it depends on the weather. And whether or not my mom takes me flower shopping. All my dolls will be there, and maybe, just maybe, My mom and I will have ordered Kanani and she may be here for the party! :D But probably not. :( Sorrow.

~Miranda and her dolls, but written from Miranda's perspective

1 comment:

Leanna said...

I hope Kanani comes for Gwen's birthday! :)
