Saturday, April 2, 2011

My twin...

Many of you have PROBABLY read Willow's new post, and I have to say... She sounds like a boring person with LITERALLY no social life, who either reads all day, or gets smarter. :( I thought she would be FUN, and SPONTANEOUS, but... SHE'S A FRIGGIN' HERMIT! For those of you who DON'T know what a hermit is, a hermit is a person who hides from people. I mean really, HOW could such a BORING person POSSIBLY be related to ME!?!? That is a question I can't answer. Oh, and apparently, Willow is going to come VISIT us TODAY! Not LIVE with us, but visit. She's coming to visit us today, just to see if she'll get along with us here. She'll probably do a post about it. Yeah, she's on a plane to New York, and we'll be waiting for her at the airport so we can bring her back home in ________. No, I will NOT tell you where we live! For privacy reasons, of course. :) So, if you see Willow, tell her hi for us, okay? Thanks! :) ~Lanie Pine

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Well, I'm just about exactly like her. I am SUPER smart {really, my ITBS scores or of the charts} and love to read! I hope y'all get along. And, no I am NOT SOUTHERN!! :)